Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Theme: Blue


  1. Christy what kind of camera do you have and how do you put your copywrite stamp on you pictures... you have some really amazing pictures posted already.
    STerling bought me a camera last year for our anniversary and I HATE IT!! I Can't get it to do what I want and this year he bought me a digital photography book so I can learn how to use it better. (I really think that the factory settings are messed up but I can't convince him of that!) Thanks for the encouragement to pick it up and actually work with it.. I love your blog and your pictures.. great idea!

  2. Staci, I have a Canon Rebel T1i. We bought it before we went to China because we wanted good pictures. Jeramie read the book and I just messed with the camera because the book taught me nothing. For my birthday last summer, Jeramie bought me 2 photography classes at a local store and those were good. But, the best way to learn is just to use it and that is why I'm doing this challenge. The picture of this vase was actually really easy; I placed it a few feet from a window with the sun shining in directly on it then closed the curtains behind the pitcher to make the back dark. I took the picture from the front using the sun's light. I edit in Adobe Lightroom and I put the stamp on with Photoshop.
    What kind of camera did you get?
